Correlation between Impervious Surface Area Rate and Urbanization Indicators at the Si-Gun Level.
HomeCorrelation between Impervious Surface Area Rate and Urbanization Indicators at the Si-Gun Level.
HomeCorrelation between Impervious Surface Area Rate and Urbanization Indicators at the Si-Gun Level.
Correlation between Impervious Surface Area Rate and Urbanization Indicators at the Si-Gun Level.
Jang, M. H. Kim, Y. Choi, and H. Kim.
저널 정보
J. of the Korean Society of Rural Planning 29(4):055-067.
Jang, M. H. Kim, Y. Choi, and H. Kim. 2023. Correlation between Impervious Surface Area Rate and Urbanization Indicators at the Si-Gun Level. J. of the Korean Society of Rural Planning 29(4):055-067.