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Modeling and Assessing the Impact of Reclaimed Wastewater Irrigation on the Nutirent Loads from an Agricultural Watershed Containing Rice Paddy Fields.

Modeling and Assessing the Impact of Reclaimed Wastewater Irrigation on the Nutirent Loads from an Agricultural Watershed Containing Rice Paddy Fields.


Kim, S.M, S.W. Park, J.J. Lee, B.L. Benham, and Kim H.K.

저널 정보

Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, Toxic/Hazardous Substance & Envrionmental Engineering 45, 305-315.




Kim, S.M, S.W. Park, J.J. Lee, B.L. Benham, and Kim H.K.. 2007. Modeling and Assessing the Impact of Reclaimed Wastewater Irrigation on the Nutirent Loads from an Agricultural Watershed Containing Rice Paddy Fields. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, Toxic/Hazardous Substance & Envrionmental Engineering 45, 305-315.